High Impact, Minimum Tillage.
Eco-Til Series Sub Soil Minimum Tillage Plow
Eco-Til™ is a High Impact, Minimal Tillage technique. When mounted behind a sub-soil plow, it will close the rip-line and thoroughly fractures soil without any inversion. This technique uses offset colters mounted on a Stump Jump™ configuration to harness the effect of lateral forces that thoroughly break soil bulk density uniformly across a 70 cm wide x 40cm deep zone. This technique provides the most ideal soil impact in areas with thin topsoils and erosion-prone soils. The use of relieving colters with the patented Stump Jump™ hydraulic relief system allows soil conditioning to be accomplished with minimal removal of previous harvest debris. Eco-Til™ is the most cost-effective way to replace ripping and offset ripping typically provided with higher powered dozers or skidders.
Model Specifications
Eco-Til Series
- Patented High-Lift, Stump-Jump™
- Nitrogen Accumulator with 1-gallon capacity
- Jump Arm Displacement Cylinder of 2.5″.
- Adjustable Disc Pressure Range from 500 – 2400 psi.
- High Tensile Steel 40″ Rear Coulter
The 48 inc High Tensile Steel Coulter mounted in front of the ripper eliminates choking with roots and reduces pull force by 25%. The Original 2 or 3 inc High Tensile Steel Swept Back Ripper Shank will allow working through debris and stumps with no cleaning time. The Savannah original ripper has a hard changeable insert to ensure longer durability and easier maintenance. The Eco-Til will create a specific trench, 75-80 cm wide, 45 cm cutting capacity for the two posterior colters, and from 35 up to 1,2 meters deep ripping capacity. These measurements ensure a minimum of 1 cubic meter of loose soil for each new tree.